Digital Jung

Remembering Wisdom

Jason E. Smith Season 1 Episode 31

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In this episode:
We look at the importance of having an adequate connection with the great treasures of human wisdom.

Let's make this a conversation:
Do you have a comment or  question about this episode, or about something you would like me to address in a future episode? Please contact me on Facebook ( or Twitter (@Jason_E_Smith).

For more on living a symbolic life:
Please check out my book, Religious but Not Religious: Living a Symbolic Life, available from Chiron Publications.

Sources for quotes and more:

  1. “It would be a ridiculous and unwarranted assumption on our part if we imagined that we were more energetic or more intelligent than the men of the past..." ~ C.G. Jung from Symbols of Transformation in 'Collected Works, vol. 5.'
  2. “Our primitive ancestors, [homo sapiens], are primitive only with regard to their tools and technology...." ~ Reza Aslan in 'God: A Human History.'
  3. Episode 30: Knowing and Not-Knowing
  4. “All the creative power that modern man pours into science and [technology] the man of antiquity devoted to his myths.” ~ C.G. Jung from Symbols of Transformation in 'Collected Works, vol. 5.'
  5. "Much learning does not teach understanding." and “Eyes and ears are bad witnesses to men having barbarian souls.” ~ Heraclitus (Philip Wheelwright translation). 
  6. "We think we are able to be born today and live in no myth, without history. That is a disease, absolutely abnormal." ~ C.G. Jung from The Houston Films in 'C.G. Jung Speaking.'
  7. "The stars leading or inspiring human life cannot be the falling stars in the sky of a summer night of the latest fashion.” ~ Raimon Panikkar from 'The Rhythm of Being.' 
  8. “Our task and our responsibilities are to assimilate the wisdom of bygone traditions and, having made it our own, to allow it to grow."  ~ Raimon Panikkar from 'The Rhythm of Being.' 
  9. "Dream the myth onwards and give it a modern dress." ~ C.G. Jung from The Psychology of the Child Archetype in 'Collected Works, vol. 9i.' 
  10. "That was the first event which broke through my isolation. I became aware of an affinity; I c

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For more on living a symbolic life:
Please check out my book, Religious but Not Religious: Living a Symbolic Life.